Saturday, October 30, 2010

3 Ways Article Marketing Benefits Your Online Business

SEO Expert

La Seo by Dario Traveso

Article Marketing Is Far More Powerful Than Many People Realize
Article marketing is nothing but the act of using written articles to get traffic to your website. Read on to discover how article marketing can help you reach your financial goals.

One of the most prominent benefits of article marketing is that the traffic you generate is highly targeted. No matter what you're promoting on the Internet, it's important to get prospects who are actually interested in what you're offering. When you create articles on a certain topic that is related to your product/service, you obviously invoke interest from the reader. People who read your article and check out your website have already pre-qualified, which means you have a higher chance of making a sale. In fact, the quality of the visitors one can attract from article marketing is the main advantage it has over most other traffic generating methods. You can try a number of different systems online to get traffic, none can beat article marketing when it comes to free and targeted visitors. Quality articles will build you a loyal following. With so much low quality content floating around the web, you can establish yourself as a unique voice in your market and your readers will love you for it, or at least love your work. One quality article after another will create a chain reaction of more respect and increase your status as an authority figure. Just visualize a time when you read a highly informative article on a topic that you were interested in. "If he can give that much value without any cost, I wonder what his paid product is like?" A good article always informs, entertains, and presells us to the perfect answer to our question; that's why we love them so much. Your content is what sets the tone for whether your readers are ready to trust what you recommend so make it good.

Writing articles is also a good way to gain the reputation as an expert in your niche, as people start to associate your name with the subject you write about. This gives you a position of authority, giving your readers another reason to trust your recommendations. Readers who are seeking help on the topic you write about will begin to use your articles as a valuable source of information. Many of these people will end up your customers and subscribers. As you become better known, your articles will be increasingly valued and spread around the internet.

This is how the straightforward method of article marketing can bring you results like no other online marketing tactic. Article marketing not only gives you high quality traffic directly from the articles but also from the search engines.

Source: Cayla Behrends is our guest SEO expert who also writes articles on the subject of Seo Career.

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